Monday, November 06, 2006

Hi!!!I'm back from my slumberland.Okay,well,just updating because I wanna post an 'ad'.So,this band Casting Crowns from America,is coming to my church to preach and to perform.They are very famous.And ah..The preaching is on the 3rd of December Sunday @ 11 in the morning and the concert on two nights.7th and 8th December Thursday and Friday.Concert's about 7.30pm.And um..If you are unchurched and want to join a church.Feel free to ask me for a invitation card and ah,it has all the details to get to my church.Evangel Family Church!.Hahas.So,churched ones,SAVE the unchurched!Oh yeah,how to get there?Take bus service 39 from the tampines bus terminal.Alight at northpoint(yishun)and than take the underground path to the mrt station.Than wait for a comfort bus.(info is not so detailed!Sorry.)The bus service...timing i do not know.But its all on the card!So..just approach me.I'll give you the invitation.See you guys around and stay updated!

6:29 PM;
I made my mark

Find me...

[Victoria Phedra Loh] [Age;200 yr old vamp.ire] Lost in this world...All alone.Make me miserable,and I'll make you dead.


Loves Johnny Depp.`

Sounds of life



Casting Crowns
Lost Angels


  • March 2006
  • April 2006
  • May 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • November 2006


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    Also Thanks (Some Reference)
    #10 } untitledBEAUTY | V2 `-Chronicles(:
    Also Thanks (Inspiration)
    The Great Tommy