Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Times were bad when you are not here.
It's even worse when you are gone forever
I try so many times to resurrect you.
But just to fail to my many attempts.
It was even worst when all people had left
It became only me in this cruel world
Insufficent care and love led me to death
Upon wishing all mankind was back.
I died upon the last word of my wish.

5:20 PM;
I made my mark

Monday, May 15, 2006

What is the problem with my motherrh...Ok.I did touch the gameboy..For thwo days only!!!What is wrong with herrhh.Cant i have some fun?Exams doesn't mean confiscating everything isn't it...I'm not forgiving herhh for that.Anyway,todays exam was supperrh easyyy!I guess everyone will score well if i am not wrong.Well!Let's do our best then!Then we can relaxx laterh on.So the hard work and all will pay off.^^So colourfull.Heehee.Cuz this blogskin rainbow mahh.So i put rainbow colourss..Okayy.Phedra go sleep.

Victoria Phedra

4:06 PM;
I made my mark

Monday, May 08, 2006 paper one for english..Sho..easy?ahahahaha!!! here to wish everyone goodie luck in EXAMSS!!!Do well!!Then can partay all june.O__O''.haiss..i promish my friend that i go black lipstick hunt with her..some tips pls anyone?

2:38 PM;
I made my mark

Friday, May 05, 2006

I'm so tired.ZzZ Haven't do e math homework.!ahh...i lazy to do...ANd bloody ...My mother is quiting her job!!TO TOTURE PHEDRA!!!omg...SO MUCH TOTURE!!!i am gonna die in june holidays.............she is gonna kill me...............................

4:54 PM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Today very funny.Me and JAsmine talked so long about her black makeup and all.Then she send me one very cute and funny emotion.A panda lovelove derh!VERY CUTE!!!Hee.I will just show to any of my contacts.Cuz its soooo adorable!>.<.XD.lolsh.i better go do my corrections.Later groups kena kill me.NINE ppl somemore.O__O

7:15 PM;
I made my mark

Finally!i managed to scan the neoprints into the computer!im soooo happy!!i lurve them sooo much!^^Pls to tag when u come to my blog!

5:05 PM;
I made my mark

Me come back from school lerhh.Today ish Cassandra Birthdae!HAppY BiRtHdAe CasS!^^Then we eat tidbits.Me come late so missed quite alot of stuff.Then i dunno why Shane go take piicture of mee.O__O.I so tired.Do listening compre like wanna sleep lerhh.SO DARN zzzz.Boring worhh.Anywaes..I am playing computer like a crashi ger todae.O_O.hahas.See you later..Buh baiis.

1:30 PM;
I made my mark

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Well..this entry not important.not even one single word..But it matters alot to me.So...i write it down to feel RELIEVED.So..see or dont see nevermind.=]

Sometimes..I just do not want to let go of something which is so precious.But i just gave it away.Why?Because i love that person dearrly or the friendship i could trust on.
When a person feels down..of cause you would want your loved ones to care and show some concern.But,i just do not know how to express myself.When i am happy..i show excitement?!When i am sad.i show depression?!Everything is so different.It is got the first part correct and the rest wrong.I just don't know why.
And when I have something.Like...lets say for example,a crystal.and it has been with me for sooooo many years.Suddenly,your friend comes up to you and says.hey!Thats a nice piece of crystal!And...issit for me?Or they will just say.Whoa!Nice!gimme can?And when they do not know that it has so much value to you,they persuade you to give it to them.Something which you would get quite irratated of.And give it up..And the next day,you realised was not properlly taken care of.Your friend might have just dumped it away somewhere to a cupboard or something.So when you ask them,Hey.So...How do you find the crystal i gave you the day before?They just tell you.Oh.I left it somewhere at home.And where is the somewhere?Somewhere messy lorh...That is if they do not appriciate eur gift for them...

But the best thing is.I received a necklace.And although it is something that will tarnish after several times of wear due to the touch of water something like that.But it means alot to me.Even though my cousin thinks that it is so plain and i dunno what else she said.She might think that its just a necklace..something so easy to get.But it comes from the heart!!!Like i gave her a dolphin and a teddy bear which i had won for myself.Intending to give it to someone special.But i gave it to her instead!I should have kept it isn't it?*Sigh*I do not even know if she chucked it in one corner or by her bed's cabinet.She stuffs all her soft toys there you see.Even the Winnie The Pooh BEar which i had given to her about a few months or a year ago.Dumped.Chucked at a corner.Very hurting..Well...I did do that before.But at least i arranged it propelly mah!

8:27 PM;
I made my mark

Hi guys!Hehe.Me backs from Honey Bee's house.=]So fun!Play xBox like siao.Keep pressing and steering!Played need for speed most wanted,underground 2.Jolene wanted to play ConKer.But did not play.Also played err...Dead or alive.hahaw..Same like thhe racing.I defeated Jolene.Hamdan i defeated him in racing!Yay!>.<.Play until 4.30 gotta go sad..But i was contented lahh.^^.Also got help Jolene with her blogg skin.Changed!Everyone!go seee!!!!Lol!Anyway..Me will be dunno..-.- Sorry guys if i did not manage to link eu cuzz no more space.T.Tsorwi!Thanks for understanding and..buai buai!^^

6:09 PM;
I made my mark

Monday, May 01, 2006

Hee.Sundae went to the may day carnival.With my cousins!!!Cheryl and Camilla.Honey Bee did not come as the mother said that it was going to rain!We played the whole day and NO rain...Shoot man.Otherwise it would be more thrilling!Hahaw!The revolution fun!Whoooot!You see nice.We played at Escape Theme PArk The WHOLE day...OmG.Went it and many waste by going in and out.Heheh.Went at the game stalls..Kinda lame lame games...Shhoot!hahaw.My cousin threw "legs" and "hands".O_O..Then i saw some boys from EPPS...Haikal.A shorty,Mahasati and Benjamin..Dots...Me and my cousin went back to meet cheryl after that.Rode on all rides!hehe..Then it got late...So we went back.Me reach home play computer games with daddy!hehe...

9:44 PM;
I made my mark

Find me...

[Victoria Phedra Loh] [Age;200 yr old vamp.ire] Lost in this world...All alone.Make me miserable,and I'll make you dead.


Loves Johnny Depp.`

Sounds of life



Casting Crowns
Lost Angels


  • March 2006
  • April 2006
  • May 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • November 2006


    Design (Brushing, Layout, Coding)
    Images (From Google & Yahoo)
    This and That
    Also Thanks (Some Reference)
    #10 } untitledBEAUTY | V2 `-Chronicles(:
    Also Thanks (Inspiration)
    The Great Tommy