Saturday, April 29, 2006

Me changed blogskin..Nice?a rainbow..Eu might think it is lame.But it is nice to meee!hahaw.Adding song in a few moments

11:09 AM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

im sick...aww man..miss school fever headache cold...i wanna slp...ZzZzZzZzZ...i go see see blog.Then came across something ver scary..EeEK.bejamin blogs become from delicatte to deadly...yuck...=p..quite nice.but the dolls face is super damn scary!!!!I wAnnA go see see got what skin to change to.BuaiBuai.Maybe i right another post later.[wher is the bee.suppose to come and take pollen from my house e flowers...]jkjk.hee.=D

11:46 AM;
I made my mark

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Wah...i so bored.Played a few games with Bee[hahaw.go guess].so bored.then soon have to go tution.Sthoopid.Hate yuckie tution.Teacher sux.the boys there sux.My enemy there somemore.SUX like sh!t.wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.i rather go school.hahas.i go stupid tution here i come.OH dammit!i forget to do homework.hoh well.who cares?

5:13 PM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

hyehyehyehye!lolx.Err...wahhh!i wanna go Aqua money..that one big issue..hahaz.dun wanna spend leii....anyways..pweash taggie tagg!!! to me too!!>

2:22 PM;
I made my mark

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

eee.dun want..aiya!papa come back.T.T hee.anyway..What eur bringing for old folk home?towel?can food?muself ask us donate our kitchen..o.o'' jk onlie i think i bring can food...too many at home..haben cobweb on it.o.o'' speechless.i dunnow what to write..i wanna mummy asleep?uh-oh.i think i better run off now.buh buai.tomorrow then i write.

10:54 PM;
I made my mark

I dun want go school tomorrow.dun wan.!shob..must go seh...alamak..bangs head on wall*hahaz.eeeee.dun wan go school.more work to do.stay at home at least can play maple.maybe can help fren lvl up also..i wanna rest..lemme rest in bed..i got fever..block..nose err..everything la!0.0'' not sure if i can get away with the nonsensical excuses...napfa also coming...wa..i wanna cry lerh...napfa run parade square.then on that day still must go joo eng old folk home..wa piang.sleeping pills anyone?I need 10 of wont wake up till wednesday off to find sleeping pills.

10:48 PM;
I made my mark

should i??should i stay on the computer until 5am???i say crazie..but i cannot sleep..eyes too big..oh well..i guess i go do my homework..stupid homework..oh well..>,

10:45 PM;
I made my mark

i wanna go sleep.but cant sleep.0.0''dazing staring at computer screen.ZzZ.dun wan sleep..haven't do homework.XD

4:54 PM;
I made my mark

yay!amira help me change skin then me add song song.wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Fall Out Boy rawks!ALL mie fwens RAWK!!!Cousin too!=D
Mee gtg figure out how to put cbox.heh..buaibuai

4:38 PM;
I made my mark

Find me...

[Victoria Phedra Loh] [Age;200 yr old vamp.ire] Lost in this world...All alone.Make me miserable,and I'll make you dead.


Loves Johnny Depp.`

Sounds of life



Casting Crowns
Lost Angels


  • March 2006
  • April 2006
  • May 2006
  • July 2006
  • August 2006
  • November 2006


    Design (Brushing, Layout, Coding)
    Images (From Google & Yahoo)
    This and That
    Also Thanks (Some Reference)
    #10 } untitledBEAUTY | V2 `-Chronicles(:
    Also Thanks (Inspiration)
    The Great Tommy